How do I update my results in Swiftype after I edit my website content? I have noticed that after I update my website and try to search it, the new items are not recognized right away.
Crawler based engines…
Our search agent (Swiftbot) will re-index the discoverable content of your site on a regular basis. By default there are automated nightly partial recrawls that will scan your installed sitemaps to look for new or updated content.
Once a week a full recrawl will automatically initiate that will not only scan your sitemaps, but also do a full spidering of the pages your engine configuration allows Swiftbot to examine.
If you’ve made significant updates to your site content and wish to kick off a full recrawl prior to the automatic one, you can click the Recrawl button from the Domains tab to request one. The frequency at which you can manually request recrawls of your site is based on your Swiftype plan level.
API based engines…
If you’ve built your Swiftype engine by using our developer API, you can update your engine index content by submitting requests to the proper endpoint.