Search function is not working properly

Hi Dear,

We are using swifttype for searching, but there is some issue with the search results like:

when we search = ht2635, it returns the result,

but when we search = 2635, it returns the no result,

it should return the results because we removed the ‘ht’ from ‘ht2635’, or please let us know if there is any additional parameter in order to implement the like query.


What data type is your product_sku field, I think only string types would do fuzzy matching? Site Search Engine Schema Design Guide | Swiftype Documentation

its string, in swiftype admin panel, we are getting result, but api not returning as i mentioned below:

when we search = ht2635, it returns the result,

but when we search = 2635, it returns the no result,

admin side result of ‘2635’